Cinema has birthed many iconic scenes, none more notable than those of the romantic comedy (rom-com) genre. From an Empire State Building meet-up (Sleepless in Seattle) to kisses in the rain (The Notebook), the genre certainly does not lack romantic gestures. Rom-com movies have been around since the 1920s and the genre has evolved over the decades.
Whether it be rebellious teens in the 90s (10 Things I Hate About You), or complex adults in the late 2010s (Crazy Rich Asians), rom-coms focus on the difficulties that arise from interpersonal relationships. Employing effective use of familiar tropes with new situations, the genre is able to provide commentary on life and love, while providing all of those feel-good feelings.
Despite the critics, many adore the genre. Speaking from personal experience, nothing gives you that fuzzy feeling quite like watching Adam Sandler fall head over heels for a betrothed Drew Barrymore (The Wedding Singer). Science attributes this phenomenon to the release of oxytocin.
Oxytocin is a neurotransmitter, closely linked to serotonin and dopamine. WebMD reports that oxytocin “lowers stress and anxiety”. Serotonin and dopamine are also released when watching a rom-com, all of which are hormones that make the brain feel happy and relaxed.
Despite science telling us that rom-coms are beneficial, some people still criticize them for their predictable plots. Most of the movies play out with similar patterns, and people have not shied away from making jokes about their formulaic nature.
Hallmark movies, for example, are often made fun of for their predictability. They are movies produced by the Hallmark Channel, often centering on the holidays. The New York Times analyzed 424 Hallmark movies in an article, finding that 73% of the titles put out in the last seven years included the word “Christmas.” It also mentions the tropes, common plot lines, and use of the first name ‘Emma’.
Most rom-coms do implement easily recognizable tropes, and this instills a sense of comfort.
Megan Dillon, an author for Evie Magazine, said that “in a life full of things that we can’t control, it’s nice to know that these movies have a happy and romantic ending.”
Rom-coms allow us the freedom to enjoy a movie without the terror that accompanies horror movies, or the stress when we watch action movies. The cliches are well-known and familiar. With this familiarity comes relaxation, as we don’t need to worry about getting surprised by an evil plot twist designed to throw the viewer.
From the start of the movie, it doesn’t take long for the viewer to realize that the main characters get together at the end. It’s almost impossible to make a rom-com movie without it having a happy ending, and this is for good reason.

In a world where pessimism is normalized and there is a general lack of hope for the future, rom-coms provide hope that it will all work out in the end. The path to happiness is often not easy, it is full of twists and turns and mistakes. Despite that, everything works out eventually.
There is relief in knowing that hard times come and go, but problems will work themselves out if we are willing to take the time to communicate with each other.
Rom-coms are so much more than the cheesy, romantic movies they are typecast as. By melding a familiar scene progression with new ideas, characters, and themes, rom-coms allow for an effective way of interacting with the movie, whether it is through tears, smiles, or most importantly, laughter.
Paige • Mar 6, 2025 at 6:08 pm
I read “Falling Head Over Heels for Rom-Coms.”, And to answer the first question, and coming from someone who has written an essay about how rom-coms can often be misleading, but also misunderstood. I do agree highly with the author’s argument, I believe that rom-coms have another side to them other than just stereotypical and cliché attributes. They add unrealistic settings which allows for viewers to not feel like they need to “think” as much when watching films, they provide hope instead of letting people down. I think these films also get a bad reputation because of their unrealistic standards when it comes to love and relationships, but sometimes that exactly what people need. my favorite romantic comedy would be While You Were Sleeping, mainly because it’s set during the holidays, and it just very light hearted and everyone gets a happy ending in the end.
Lauren • Mar 6, 2025 at 1:36 pm
Rom-coms do reflect modern relationships and they have not become outdated overall. Today’s movies in this specific genre have adapted to reflect modern relationships and diverse perspectives through including neurodivergent and interracial couples. However, some rom-coms give their viewers a false hope and out of touch point of view on love. In real life people might experience rejection and they may not experience love at first sight. At the same time they give others a sense of comfort through events like galentines or girls night. Often this is what women bond over and commonly talk about during their conversations overall.
Ava • Mar 4, 2025 at 1:12 pm
I agree with you, I think that rom-coms have so much to offer us. First of all, there is comfort in the predictability that Hallmark movies give you. Furthermore, rom-coms can articulate real stories of real couples like in “Crazy Rich Asians”. There is plenty of range in this genre and plenty of opportunity to expand and tell all kinds of stories. Although I will admit certain rom-coms like “When Harry Met Sally” are outdated; men and women can be friends. My favorite rom-com is “10 Things I Hate About You”. It has aged well because it never took itself too seriously which is a good reminder all rom-coms give us.
Student • Mar 4, 2025 at 1:06 pm
I watch a lot of movies, and I always watch a rom-com from time to time. There is definitely a sense of comfort in knowing that it will all end up okay for the characters, and it was interesting to read in this article about the science behind the interest in rom-coms. I don’t think rom-coms necessarily reflect relationships perfectly, but I think that’s one of the good parts about them. Even if they are looked down upon because they’re predictable, rom-coms are great movies to watch for that reason. Also, a lot of rom-coms have better plotlines than their stereotype makes them out to have, like How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.
Noa • Mar 4, 2025 at 1:04 pm
As someone who loves romcoms, I never thought anything about love why romantic comedies and why the genre is so popular. I found it interesting now the brain releases hormones that lower stress levels and make US feel happy when and relaxed watch romantic comedies, answering why they are so popular. I enjoyed how you brought up the rear world and how sometimes It is better to enjoy a cliche rom com rather than the horrors of the world. By describing romantic comedies In such a positive light maybe people will turns towards watching a cliche romantic feel good movies
Cat • Mar 4, 2025 at 12:49 pm
I agree with the author’s perspective that romantic comedies are in more ways than one a comfort genre due to their predictability and their (more often than not) happy endings. I feel personally that rom-coms have evolved over the years to tell the story of relationships that keep up with the times. La La Land, for example, is a more recent rom-com in which the protagonist, Mia, choses her career before she settles down with a man. While not the the typical romantic comedy, it is one nonetheless where viewers watch main characters Mia and Sebastian grow closer and closer. Personally, my favorite rom-com is How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days for its unique plot yet predictable, happy ending.
Natalie • Mar 4, 2025 at 12:46 pm
I agree with the fact that rom-coms initiate the “feel-good” type of feelings, all while working on commentating on the subject. Romcoms leave room for self-improvement and learning from an area of life that isn’t really tight. Many rom-coms still relate to modern-day relationships, as they set a standard for how people should be treated in relationships. This sort of guideline or expectation that is set by rom-coms not only applies to evidence but provides that “future” of love that we all yearn for. Even if the perspectives of rom-coms are unrealistic, maybe that is a perspective that one should think about and develop their own relationships to change it to realism. Rom-coms also teach us that love isn’t easily attainable, treasuring it and making it something one should work for. Although relationships change over the years and different standards are set, love is still love, and there will be no change to what that feeling actually is. With rom-coms, we are able to continue to remind ourselves what kind of love we are to search for.
Alana • Mar 4, 2025 at 12:45 pm
I agree, I think rom-coms are entertaining and they are very sweet to watch. I do not think rom-coms reflect modern relationships because TV only wants to show the good in things, but I think it is good that they show a positive side to things. My favorite rom-com is anyone but you, and I think it appeals to audiences because of the comedy behind it, but also how people are invested and committed to seeing too people being happy in the end.
Harrison • Mar 4, 2025 at 12:44 pm
I agree rom coms are amazing, they have planed a critical part in pop cultural. I think it was interesting the author used the data of Oxytocin, and provided the benefits rom com has on humans mental being. Rom coms reflect modern day couples because many have complex characters who show many aspects of the human expense not just love.
Student • Mar 2, 2025 at 4:33 pm
Romantic Comedies are one of my favorite genres. I most definitely agree with the whole perspective of this article. In the reading it talks about how “life full of things that we can’t control, it’s nice to know that these movies have a happy and romantic ending,” which is so relatable. I think that rom-coms most definitely reflect modern relationships but I do think that younger people want their relationship do be like those shows which can effort it in a negative way.
Pharaoh • Feb 28, 2025 at 2:06 pm
I agree, Rom-com definitely does help me through a lot. I feel as though when Megan Dillon said, “in a life full of things that we can’t control, it’s nice to know that these movies have a happy and romantic ending.” It is true. A lot of things in life don’t go right and we can’t go in the past and change it, seeing the perspective of somebody who did do things right is always interesting. I do believe that as the times change it makes it harder and harder to relate to modern-day relationships. Due to electronic advances and how people act now.
Zhaoye Wang • Feb 28, 2025 at 1:52 pm
i really love the rom-coms. the first this kind of thing is Audrey Hepburn’s Roman Holiday(i think it belongs to modern rom-com). i was pretty upset because of study pressure. one common weekend, i open my tv and saw that movie. people inside laughs and sings frequently. i was attracted by this new pattern quickly. there is a saying:” writing laugh is better than writing tears”. after watching that, i felt very relaxed and former pressure pass away. i think rom-coms are not only exist in the past, but also happen in some modern films. all in all, such rom-coms will really help people to relax.
Mia Sasser • Feb 28, 2025 at 11:45 am
I totally agree with Serafina! Rom-coms are just fun silly movies and people take them way too seriously. Of course some of them are super cringey and a bit money-grabby but those are fun to watch too, exactly for those reasons. Especially with friends. Do I think they’re reflective of most modern relationships? Very few, otherwise, No. And I think that’s kind of the point. There are some really well done ones, like 10 Things I Hate About You, which people love because of the interesting plot, characters, humor, and emotional universities. And there are some horrific ones like literally every single Netflix original. Overall they’re fun to watch and I like them 🙂
Jaylan • Feb 28, 2025 at 9:41 am
Rom-Coms are one of my favorite genres of movies for helping me feel better. If I feel down or sad about something, they are my go to movies to help me feel better. Even though they are repetitive, that doesn’t make the format for all those movies feel any less fulfilling for me. Nowadays though, most movies are just bad sequels to good movies just trying to get more money out of them or the same bland action movie with a mediocre plot. I only find myself going to the movies for series that I love like marvel even if the movies aren’t as good as they used to be. I hope that soon, producers will bring back old Rom-Coms that give you the feeling described in this article.
Maddi • Feb 28, 2025 at 9:23 am
I think the comfort that comes from rom-coms specifically targeted at our generation is often the things we see on the move we don’t expect to happen for ourselves. This is why seeing someone at peace and ease when they experience one great love is comforting. And the repetition of tropes also gives us a sense of security because nothing unsettling or unexpected will happen. Yes, they can be repetitive but they all give a new sense of feeling that makes people feel safe.