Scott Sowers is relatively new to the AFS community, but has already made a massive impact on students and the community as a whole. With his energetic and positive attitude, it’s hard to miss him. Most people know him as a science teacher, but most wouldn’t know, or realize, that he’s actually been a motorcyclist for 24 years.

What got you into motorcycling?
I started dirt bike riding through the father of an old high school girlfriend. I was 17 [or] 18 and he had vintage motorcycles (1976-1985) and he let me try to ride one. I killed it many times but eventually [it] got comfortable to ride.
Did you ever get injured or were you ever afraid of getting hurt?
I’ve had several close encounters: one time I did ride into a ditch and luckily was not hurt, other than a burn on my arm from the exhaust pipe. On occasion, I would forget to put my feet down when I stopped and I would just drop the bike. Yeah, I was not very coordinated when I was younger. I am always afraid when I ride. That fear is part of the excitement, but it keeps me focused. I always imagine that no one can see me when I am riding. The majority of collisions with motorcycles happen when a car is turning in front of me. I always give the car time because I assume they will not see me. I always wear a full face helmet, brighter clothing, armored riding jacket, gloves, and boots always. Google “degloving”, you will never be the same after seeing this.
Did people close to you tell you to stop?
Yes, everyone does, my father especially. I have lost two friends to motorcycling accidents. I definitely do not ride as much as I used to because I have a kid now. There is something about [riding] when you’re young, you feel like you’re immortal.
What is your favorite or most memorable thing from your time of riding a motorcycle?
When you ride a motorcycle, you are automatically part of a “club” or “group”. We wave to each other. There’s a specific wave.
How or if at all, does motorcycling affect your teaching and you as a teacher?
I definitely know about the physics of motorcycling [and] biking. I think that as a teacher, I must encourage folks to be safe, do the right thing etc. But I am also a realist and know that some young adults will end up on two wheels at some point. Hopefully my advice on safety, gear, and responsibility will help guide them.
Ava Cole • Oct 18, 2024 at 8:42 am
I didn’t realize that Scott had been riding for so long! As a new driver, I will take into account what he said about not being seen on the road as a motorcyclist and be more vigilant.